Thursday, 26 August 2010

Tutorial Series: Mickey Mouse Mini Tophat

This DIY tutorial was inspired by the hat Paloma Faith wore on shooting stars, which was designed by Piers Atkinson, having not been able to get hold of any of his actual products I made this:

this is the original:

For This Tutorial You Will Need:

-mini top hat or mini bowler hat (available online)
-black wool
-needle and black thread
-stiff cardboard

Step One: Make one medium and one slightly smaller pom pom (you can find out how by searching online, it is not included in this as it is a short post).

Step Two: Secure the pom poms to the hat as shown in the image provided with a needle and thread (it may be difficult to push the needle through the hat at first, but it gets easier).

Secure it to your head with bobby-pins and that's it, you're beautiful hat is ready to wear. It took me around half an hour from start to finsh, so this is ideal if you're looking for a small project.